Science STE(a)M
Isatu speaks on the contributions in science and technology that span from the Africans in ancient civilizations to present-day African Americans.
Lesson Plan
The lesson instructs children to research any Black scientist or Black Culture and its scientific, technological and/or engineering achievements. The students will be examining the concept of a hypothesis, and the motivation for hypothesis formation, as used by the chosen culture or person. This examination leads into the scientific method where all science is founded. Using the hypothesis and scientific method, the students will develop an innovation that has the ability to meet an immediate and long reaching need of humanity; a timeless invention!
Recognize the scientific contributions of the Black Community
Identify and appreciate the inventions of Black scientists and engineers that impact our
lives in profound ways
Gain Knowledge of how Black scientists or Black cultures used a hypothesis to solve problems through their innovation
The scientific method specifically hypothesis formulation
Ancient African Culture
A Broader perspective of the Black scientific contributions to society and their importance
Art supplies
Resources and Links
Bunson, M. The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt (1991)
David, R. Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt Revised (2007)
Graves-Brown, C. Dancing for Hathor: Women in Ancient Egypt (2010)
Shaw, I. The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (2000)
Strudwick, H. The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt (2006)
Tyldesley, J. Daughters of Isis: Women of Ancient Egypt. (1995)
Watterson, B. Women in Ancient Egypt (2013)